
Coconut Oil for Hair

Our hair is porous - the outer cuticle is arranged in layers like the shingles on a roof.When the cuticle is damaged by blowdrying, bleaching, coloring, perming, hard brushing or too much water or sun exposure, we see the damage as split ends, and coarse, brittle, dry hair that breaks easily.
Split ends mean the cuticle has worn away and that the inner portion of hair, called the cortex, is exposed, and frayed.

How to use coconut oil for hair conditioner:

The best way to apply coconut oil to your hair is immediately after a shower or bath, when the hair is still wet. It should not still be dripping wet, but more than slightly damp. It doesn't matter whether the coconut oil is liquid or solid (pure coconut oil solidifies at less than 76 degrees F, but it's still perfectly good).Take a small amount (about a half teaspoon for long hair, less for shorter hair) and put it in your palm. Rub your hands together and begin the application at the ends of your wet hair, using your oily fingers to distribute it evenly and lightly.

The trick is to use just enough so that the oil will penetrate the hair, without leaving an oily or greasy look. Use more at the ends, less in the middle and very little, if any at the roots.

Don’t use any oil near the roots if you want to avoid the greasy look.
Although the molecular structure of coconut oil is perfect for penetrating inside the hair shaft, and works beautifully with the natural hair proteins, its still easy to go overboard with the application, and end up with oily hair.
If you’ve applied enough to make the hair look oily, the only way to remove it is to re-wash the hair.

Coconut oil is also a great treatment for dandruff.

Whether the flakes are caused by dry scalp, or a fungal/yeast condition like seborrheic dermatitis, coconut oil will help, because it's a great moisturizer, and it's anti-fungal. Again, do scalp treatments when you don't have to go out in public, try overnight treatments (protect your pillow with a plastic bag covered with an old towel). The first time you try coconut oil for hair conditioning, pick a day when you can hang out at home.

It can take a bit of experimentation until you find the right dose for your particular hair, and the important thing is to be able to leave the oil in your hair once you have applied it.